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Rachael Lauren Bindas

Writer & Editor

From the moment I first learned to read, I've always had my nose buried in a book. I remember rushing through grade school math tests just to have a few extra minutes to crack open whatever book I was reading that week and lose myself to somewhere magical amidst the mundanity of every day life. Reading was - and still is - my first true love, my forever friend, my endless escape.

As I developed as a reader, I gained a deep respect for the innerworkings of storytelling, from the wonders of worldbuilding to getting to know the most intimate secrets of characters.

Now, I write my own stories, and I help others craft their own through my various editing services. Whether you're looking for a copy editor or proofreader to catch any last-minute typos, or you're searching for a little more TLC from a developmental editor, I would love to help you breathe life into your story.

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A simple narrative combined with intentionally implicit artistic decisions, Before the Sun Wakes Up is dedicated to promoting acceptance and equality in the minds of young children, to assure all children that they have a place in this world. The gender neutral and racially ambiguous character combined with the soft, papercut illustrations aim to encourage a more loving and accepting world.


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Found by Casey Clipper

Role: Copy Editor

During the fall of 2018, I copy edited the novel, Found, for Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author, Casey Clipper. Read more about Found here.

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"Rachael is professional in her editing, always getting her work back in the time quoted as well as being thorough with her work. Her editor’s letter is extremely helpful, not only pointing out the positive, but also things that may need fixed or looked over again in a manuscript (a good editor’s letter is rare in today’s freelance market). Her edits contributed to my manuscript being a finalist in a national writing contest. I’ve been extremely happy with her editing services and look forward to working with her on future projects."

~Contemporary Romance Author, Casey Clipper

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"This is a beautifully written and illustrated must have for anyone reading to children. Our society needs more positivity and this story certainly provides that to children and adults alike."

~Amazon Reviewer, Kristen, on Before the Sun Wakes Up

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